Innovation Agent Events


EU Blueprint DRIVES (2018-2022)
Sector skills study shows innovation is placed on top position 4 of required job roles.

EU Project TIMS (2023-2024)
Developed training materials and assessment portal for innovation management systems based on upcoming ISO 56000 standard series.

EU Blueprint FLAMENCO (2023-2024)
For the exploitation of Blueprints in the green mobility area the Automotive Skills Alliance has been formed as an association. FLAMENCO developed a service model to launch job roles with certificates for the sector.
FLAMENCO launches in 2024 the innovation agent task force and certificate. TIMS materials will also contribute to the knowledge pool.

Marie Curie OpenInnoTrain (2018-2022)
OpenInnoTrain sponsors travel cost of researchers to work together in innovation topics (no effort is funded).

Automotive Skills Alliance
Future green mobility requires the integration of a number of domains: automotive, IT, infrastructure, battery, h-gas chemical industry, light weight materials, science like AI, machine learning and more. Innovation connects the domains and disciplines.
The innovation agent will be a role placed in all connected industries to empower this required networking.